Monday, November 5, 2018

Phenomenal Woman of the Month: Tabitha Williams

1. What does Phenomenal Woman mean to you? 

Hmmm… what does Phenomenal Woman mean to me? Okay let’s see. For something to be considered phenomenal it has to defy all the odds. It has to be something that isn’t typical or ordinary. It’s something or in this case, a woman who’s experienced some things but you wouldn’t believe it based off the smile, laugh and love that she gives. She’s not your average woman. Not cocky but confident in knowing and understanding her worth, position and purpose.

Yea…a phenomenal woman is someone that you may hear about but you have to see and hear about her experiences in order to believe it.

2. What is your brand and how did you get started? 

My brand is #inspirationalTAP/#iTAP = a daily TAP of inspiration given from above.  What started out as me sending inspirational messages to a group of friends expanded to creating several text groups to inspire 100s… and no I’m not kidding. On average I text roughly about 200 ppl from my phone a piece of inspiration. This 200 count doesn’t include those who forward my texts to others nor those who get the #iTAP from my social media platforms.

I have a strong faith in God and I know that when times get tough for me, it’s my faith in God that keeps me going and afloat. I’ve been through a lot of things in life and because I know I’m not the only one that has been nor will go through things. I felt it only right to share my experiences and bits of inspiration to others too. 

3. What is your dream goal and how do you plan on achieving it? 

My dream goal is to continue to impact the lives of those in which I interact. Whether it be through a smile, hug or kind word. I want to be able to make a difference in both big and small ways. I want to encourage those who feel that they are worthless, less than, no good and a waste.  I want to spread the love that runs through my heart and veins to those who are currently in a place where I once was.

Through sharing my experiences with both males/females, teens/adults, couples/singles….I will be able to let them know that they are NOT alone and therefore don’t have to experience life alone.  Whether I share my message of inspiration via text, social media, speaking engagements, Wal-Mart or HEB, it’s being shared. Give me a platform and I’ll take care of the rest.
4. Name a moment that inspired you to feel more confident and inspired you to be comfortable in the skin you are in.   

After being freed from a 2.5 year violent relationship that was mentally, physically, emotionally and sexually abusive, I didn’t know what to do.  I felt worthless, I was shamed and I felt that I had nothing to give to anyone nor myself.  I struggled with thoughts of suicide and managed low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. I had lost who Tabitha was and felt alone.  It took me being questioned from a friend about my smile, laughter and joy that “woke” me up. I knew then that I was losing a fight that had already had been won.  I had to get out of the ring and realize that I was VICTORIOUS and no longer a VICTIM. 

I had to focus on refining and finding the TABITHA before the abuse, neglect and hurt. I will not lie and say that this process was easy because it wasn’t. It took me years to find my worth, my value and love me again.  That journey was a challenge. It was tough. It was painful. It was refreshing. It was renewing. It was cleansing. It was healthy. It was different. It was what I needed. 

Loving TAB in whole and not just in part has been my goal each and every day since then.  I tell myself I’m beautiful, I’m loved and I matter. Regardless of whether not I hear that from anybody, I believe that about me and that’s all that matters.  I begin to embrace my BIG, BEAUTIFUL, BROWN eyes. I fell in love with my caramel-glazed skin and I couldn’t take a picture without a SMILE.  Instead of seeing myself how others told me I was and how they saw me. I started seeing myself how GOD made me which, FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE.  I walked with the confidence that I am the “apple of God’s eye,” and reminded myself that everything that God made was good and I was no exception.  It took me a while to get there and sometimes I catch myself reverting back to that mindset, but I have been blessed to have a wonderful support system that pulls me back to the NOW. 

5. Name a person (dead or alive) that you look up to and why?

Oh this is easy….my G-Mama, Angelia Denise Grandberry.
She is my ROCK, my ACE, #1 supporter, sounding board and best friend.  My G-Mama has been with me through the years.  We’ve experienced the best of what life has to offer as well as the not so good moments TOGETHER.  Her love is unwavering, unconditional and is for a lifetime.  We have seen each other at our worst and helps to push each other through.  It is this type of love and encouragement that has helped to sustain me.  That type of genuine, true and non-judgmental love is contagious and one that I have been blessed to experience and share with others because of phenomenal women like my G-Mama.

6. When it comes to being a woman, what do you feel should be the three core values that a lady should uphold?  

LOYALTY, COMMITMENT & LOVE – these three go hand in hand. If I am loyal to myself and I don’t cheat myself by settling, it proves that I love myself unconditionally and I am committed to reaching my purpose in life.  If I can have that same passion and drive for myself, it’s like second nature for me to show and display those same values to others.

7. Favorite quote and what it means to you?    

“BE somebody nobody thought you could be.”
Once I stopped listening to what I was told I couldn’t, shouldn’t and wouldn’t be, my mindset changed. I stopped comparing myself to others and focused on being the best TAB, I could be.  Trying to live up to other’s expectations is exhausting and it can keep us an individuals from moving in the direction that we need to go in.  I jump at every opportunity that is presented to me now. I PUSH through! I force myself to operate in FAITH! I TRUSTED when doors were shut and looked up when I was "overlooked." I don’t take “no” from nobody when it comes to doing something for TABITHA and that’s the attitude I lead with. I dare somebody to tell me I can’t. I’m going to spend the rest of the life I have proving not to them but to me that I can!   

8. Piece of advice that you would give to young girls who aren't confident with themselves? 

You are beautiful. You matter. You have purpose. You have worth. You are loved.

Don’t wait to hear that from anyone else. Believe that you are the “IT!” Tell yourself that and don’t anyone tell you different. 


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