Sunday, July 9, 2017

Phenomenal Woman of the Month: Au'Bryana Johnson

Au'bryana Johnson, 22
Texas State Alumna '16

1. What does "Phenomenal Woman" mean to you?  
  • A phenomenal woman is many things. She is spiritually grounded. She is unstoppable. She is a woman who lets no one or nothing get in the way of her vision. She is a Queen, to be exact.

               2. What is your brand and how did you get started? 
  • I am my brand. I began modeling at the age of 17. I've always been the one to hog the mirror and take 1,000 selfies so My senior year of high school I decided to take something i did so effortlessly and unconsciously and make it a profession. I began setting up photoshoots with every photographer I knew and that launched my modeling career. Word of mouth is powerful in this industry and I'm grateful for it.

3. What is your dream goal and how do you plan on achieving it?  
  • My dream goal is to become financially comfortable as a full time model and to participate in the annual Victoria Secret fashion show. Consistency is the key to achieving ANY goal. It's just as simple as that.

4. Name a moment that inspired you to feel more confident and inspired you to be comfortable in the skin you are in.  
  • Often times my little cousins compliment me and tell me how fascinated they're friends are at my brand. After hearing that, I knew I was a role model to someone. I knew then that I would have to always present myself confident and made sure to keep a close eye on how I carried myself because the "little ones" were watching.

5. Name a person (dead or alive) that you look up to & why? 
  • I look up to my mommy. She is the definition of phenomenal. She proves to me everyday that every obstacle put in your path does not signify the end of the world. Just by watching her all my life I learned that whatever obstacle is put in your way, there is always a way over, under, or through it.

6. When it comes to being a woman, what do you feel should be the three core values that a lady should uphold? 
-As a woman we should effortlessly demand respect, meaning how we carry ourselves, how we speak, and how we act.
  • As a woman, we should believe that we are Queens and never allow someone to treat us like anything less. 
  • Lastly, as women we should be spiritually and mentally grounded. A woman that is both of those things is "untouchable". 

7. Favorite quote and what it means to you?  
  • "If it costs you your peace, it's too expensive." There will be people who come into your life with no good intentions. Above all else you have to guard your peace. No one deserves the power to steal your joy or your peace and if For one second you feel that it or they are threatening your peace of mind, leave it and them behind and keep it moving.

8. Piece of advice that you would give to young girls who aren't confident with themselves? 
  • Young women, your confidence starts with you. This world will only feed on the energy you exude. Think confidence and the rest of your body will follow suit. Your walk will change, your talk will change, your life will change. You have to love on yourself. Stay away from people who make you feel anything less than confident. Feed your mind positivity daily and sooner than later it will no longer be a routine. It'll be your way of 
  • life. 

IG: @queen.aubry

Photos courtesy of Au'bryana Johnson 

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