Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Phenomenal Woman of the Month: Alexa Costa

Name: Alexa Costa
Age: 24-years-old
School: University of Central Florida
Major:Radio & Television Production Major, Minor in Digital Media
Occupation: Creative Director, Writer, and Editor 

1. What does Phenomenal Woman mean to you? 
There’s so many positive connotations to the word “phenomenal.” I think of synonyms like, inspirational, captivating, and extraordinary. Women are phenomenal. We were born with great and powerful potential to influence our surroundings. We’re creative, intelligent, and determined to provoke positive transformation. A phenomenal woman is someone who embraces the combination between transformation and individuality and helps activate that same potential in others. Women exemplify so much, and it’s been like that since the beginning of time. 

2. What is your brand and how did you get started?  
First off, I believe in the power of conversation and how
much our world needs to just sit down and talk. I believe in the fact that internally, we die daily. We need motivation every single day to keep the process of reaching our destiny alive. We need advice and encouragement to keep us operating. This is the kind of platform that I plan to develop. A platform where problems and advice can intertwine and produce action. I want people to ask questions, share ideas, and connect with others. What motivates me to take part in this are the people I’ve met and continue to meet who have dreams and goals but lack the motivation to make it happen or have problems and difficulties but lack the interest to find a solution. The way I want to do this is explained in the next question! 

3. What is your dream goal and how do you plan to achieve it? 
This is always a hard question for me because I’m passionate about too many things. Ask anybody. I never know if that’s a bad thing or not, but it makes me happy to be involved with different things. I dream of conceptualizing ideas and writing content. I’m a lyricist who writes songs and my goal is to have them produced. Music is one of the most intricate ways to let our voices be heard and take part in the kind of conversation that the world desperately needs. Adding engaging instruments behind it is a captivating bonus. I want to join the kind of movement seen in record labels like Reach Records and their 1-1-6 crew (I’ve been a fan since I was about 12-years-old). If you don’t know who they are, check out their website, read and listen to some lyrics from their artists. It’s hardcore, raw, and world-changing. They’ve got people like Lecrae who recently collaborated with one of my admired vocalists, Tori Kelly, who is also one of my biggest inspiration to write and inspire. I live by what they believe in and having that kind of platform will help me spark the unity between “problems” and “advice.”

I have a goal of publishing my own, inspirational books – books that also target the minds of individuals my age. The twenties can be a very confusing, pressurized phase of life that some of us tend to silently stress over. I face that every single day of my life, personally and professionally, and I want them to know that they’re not alone. We all go through it or went through it at some point in our lives. It’s normal. 

And lastly, I would like to be a creative director for local and global advertising and marketing projects with the goal of turning a vision into reality. I want to help develop brands using my background in creative production. The possibility of traveling while doing this also excites me because traveling is awesome. I want traveling to be a part of my career.

4. Name a moment that inspired you to feel more confident and inspired you to be comfortable in the skin you are in.   
It wasn’t the closest people in my life, inspiring songs, TED talks, or personal-gained experiences that made me feel more confident and inspired to be comfortable in my own skin. These are all great, potential targets but no matter how hard I try to dwell on these things, there’s always something bigger. I figured that out the moment I realized who I belonged to. My entire life and thought-process shifted once I came to the conclusion that it’s Jesus. He’s literally the only reason why I can be confident and be myself. I believe that we’re created to be in his image so if God isn’t insecure about himself, why in the world am I going to decrease my confidence? Every aspect of my life revolves around his perfection and the plans he has for me and all of us. When you think God, you think higher.

5. Name a person (dead or alive) that you look up to and why?
Walt Disney was a boss! One of the many things I admire about him was his persistence. I look up to his work-ethic and how he kept his creativity running no matter the mishaps he faced, like bankruptcy or having his own employees turn their back on him. Walt Disney is an awesome definition of what it means to be a creative entrepreneur especially in a society where people didn’t think what he did was a “real” job. His business and creative mentality lead him a long way and changed the lives of both children and adults. He was detail-oriented and a genius with ideas and I appreciate the fact that he knew he couldn’t run his empire alone. He needed people to make it happen and he had an eye for the perfect candidates. Everything he put together, which is still in effect today, is incredible and makes my heart smile. I believe I have that same entrepreneurial quality. I really do. 

6. When it comes to being a woman, what do you feel should be the three core values that a lady should uphold?  
Humbleness, Compassion, and Discipline. 

Humbleness: Being humble means knowing where you came from. It means being able to gaze at everyone with the same eyes and heart - no matter who they are or what position they’re in. There’s no favoritism. Being humble means being human and recognizing that other people are human too.  

Compassion: Having compassion is part of being the “bigger person” in any situation. It’s learning how to love and care for people when they struggle to love and care for themselves. It’s being selfless and attentive to people’s plea. Life is about giving and giving people that kind of attention can alter the perspective of the world. We all need it. 

Discipline: And lastly, discipline. With discipline comes self-respect, honesty, and courage. Self-control is attractive and speaks loud even in our quietest times. It’s knowing who you are and daring yourself not to settle for anything less than fantastic. 

7. Favorite quote and what it means to you?
American author named Og Mandino says, “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” I’ve used this quote in just about every aspect of my life because it’s an addicting statement to believe in. It’s like, wow. Determination can lead you so far, it’s insane. It’s about training your mind to dive into what you think is impossible and realize the possibility that comes out of it. I see failure as an insecure monster trying to feed on our energy. This quote teaches me to stop giving it the attention it doesn’t deserve.  

8. Piece of advice that you would give to young girls who aren't confident with themselves? 
Please. Stay in your lane. You don’t have to know how to drive to do this. Walk in your lane, skip, jog, run IN YOUR LANE. Insecurity, doubt, pressure, society, catches you off guard and makes you shift and when you shift, you crash or bump into someone’s else’s space. This can be the hardest hole to escape from. Recognize that you were created for a purpose and with that purpose comes a whole, customizable package with all the tools and life-lessons needed to prepare you for your destiny. Recognize that you have your personalized plan - a beautiful future perfectly crafted for you. One of the best tools in that package is the confidence to do anything. Your identity isn’t defined by the people who don’t understand your vibe and those who use that to their advantage to see you struggle. You’re loved, and you’re phenomenal. Just forget the competition and focus on what you were meant to be that reflects everything you are. You have confidence whether you believe it or not. Force yourself to choose to believe it.


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